space for the arts, art for the spaces

Is space a medium for art?

Is art not necessarily need space?

Does space occupy the special position in arts?

Space / Place … the generality and the particularity those demand their own rights everytime.

The interior separates itself from the exterior, yet the interior pays respect to the exterior. The general and the particular come to play between the interiors and the exteriors.


Space for the arts are artistically manipulated space (no pun intended). Even the most minimal articulated space can be an artistic kind of space.

The starting point for articulated space is starting point for placing articulated art.


The old structures and the new structure; this is a one most used creative fuel for articulation of space. They’re touching each other, they are avoiding each other, they are distancing each other, they are closer and closer, they are moving, they are staying. Old and new; no longer a fruitful categorisation, in the democratic world of object, they are all on the flat level of importance.




Even the subjects, the activities generated by them are presenting simultaneously, intertwining in the inter-webs of space; articulated? as it will be.


Static or dynamic; the elements themselves are moving. Light is moving electrons. Wind is moving air particles. Digital sensor is moving electricity impulses those responded to the electrons.


The space must stop so the arts may move. The arts must stop so the space may move… . isn’t it the movement of your consciousness ?


Just as your browser must stop scrolling so your mind may move.

[ this rant is an after-tought after visiting an exhibition on the contemporary Indonesian art in newly opened ‘Galeria Fatahillah’. The place is part of a larger revitalisation project in Kota Tua Jakarta (Jakarta’s Old Town) ]


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